Sustainably Yours, Catherine

Radical Action for Mountain People’s Survival


Radical Action for Mountain People’s Survival, also known as RAMPS, is an organization works in the southern coal fields of West Virginia in a non-violent direct action campaign to end destructive coal mining. They declare on their website that, “In solidarity, we offer our resources, our networks, our time, our bodies, and our personal freedom to this struggle.” This dedicated group of activists secretly and strategically plan radical actions against the coal industry that is destroying the communities and environment of Appalachia, often using their bodies to physically block mining activity. Recently 5 activists formed a human blockade on a public road to stop mining trucks from entering the fields and were arrested and sentenced to jail time. I also met a RAMPS activist at a presentation at Northeastern my freshman year who sat in a tree for over 30 days to stop the planned destruction of several mountains by blasting explosives to extract the coal underneath. Because the coal companies are not legally allowed to blast when humans are in the area, the action halted the destruction and put the companies at a standstill. This type of direct action in which activists place their physical bodies in the way to stop further degradation of the environment is an incredible way to get their message heard loud and clear. Most RAMPS activists are arrested when the protest is over, and the organization actively raises money to bail activists out of jail and pay any necessary court fees. I am so inspired by the brave people who are not afraid to put their bodies and freedom on the line to fight for the just world they envision.

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